Plutarch And Perspective

Ancient Spartans were known for their self-discipline, moderation and simple way of life. According to Plutarch, Lycurgus was credited with establishing the military-focused reforms of Sparta. He was known as the Lawgiver. 

But first he needed perspective. He set out to Crete in order to study the forms of government from men of the highest reputation. After Crete, Lycurgus sailed to Asia. Why?

Because he wanted to compare the frugal, tough way of life in Crete with the extravagance and luxury of Ionia, now modern day Turkey.

Plutarch was born in Rome around 46 AD, hundreds of years after Lycurgus was alive. Yet as a biographer he studied great men of action before him. Studying the past will inform us of better directions for the future.

Several hundred years after Lycurgus, Solon was known as the Lawgiver of Athens. 

Athens was struggling. On the verge of revolution, Solon realized the city was under threat from the unrestrained greed and arrogance of its citizens. Prior to helping Athens re-establish better laws and culture, Solon too gained perspective.

Plutarch highlights the importance of changing your geography for perspective as he described the life of Solon:

“He travelled to gain experience and to extend his knowledge rather than to make money. There is no doubt that he was a lover of knowledge, for even when he was far advanced in years he could still say

    I never cease to learn as I grow old”

Tools and technologies are great. But what never goes out of style?

Great men and women throughout history have proven that action prevails over ideas.

To know the best course of action, you need experience. You need to live. You need perspective. You need to make mistakes. 

Real estate is more than finance. It is actually building something. It is about constructing a way forward. Perspective requires you to get out of your comfort zone. It requires you to venture to far away places. It requires you to travel beyond any boundaries you thought possible. 

When you think about a problem you are solving, consider if you have the right perspective. If you don’t change your geography, push your boundaries to learn from those around you and those who came before you.

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