Anticipate What’s Next

Anyone that works long enough in the business world knows that mistakes happen. There will be setbacks. There will be obstacles. There will be trouble.

But the real question is what are you doing to anticipate those setbacks

You might think your budget is good. 

You might believe your contractor’s schedule is better. 

But do you have enough slack in your schedule or contingency in your budget to deal with the unknown unknowns?

“A good person dyes events with his own color….and turns whatever happens to his own benefit.” – Seneca

What is your plan to deal with a challenge? 

What are the most likely scenarios?

Do you have contingencies and redundancies in place?

Do you have the right team with the right attitude to handle the setbacks?

You would be shocked at the number of projects we have seen where the engineer or architect is on vacation… so no questions get answered in a 10-day period. 

Why? Because there was no one to step in and support the team. Or there was no training. Or there was not process. Or there was no flexibility. Take your pick.

What about the development manager who is focused on a troubled project while their other three projects suffer from a lack of attention?

Anticipating challenges means you and your team have thought about the best responses.

These issues are not good or bad. They are obstacles. They are hurdles. They are problems waiting to be solved. Try to solve them once…not everyday.

“Nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so” – Shakespeare

Take a few minutes to think about where you are vulnerable in your job, your project, your organization or even your industry.

What are you doing to anticipate the best response?

The Real Con 004

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Got a question related to your claim, scope of work, contractor’s proposal, or contractor? Great! Drop us a line.

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